Ms. E was driving on University Parkway when another driver rear-ended her. She suffered a laceration on her forehead that left a permanent scar. BBGA secured a $200,000 settlement, which was eight times the amount of Ms. E’s medical bills. The settlement included $100,000 from the at-fault driver’s insurance and $100,000 from Ms. E’s uninsured motorist coverage.

Injury Leaves Permanent Scar
Ms. E was driving on US-29 at the intersection of Kilcrease Road when she stopped at a red light in the right-hand lane. When the light turned green, Ms. E began to drive forward. Another driver then crashed into the back of her car.
The force of the crash caused Ms. E to hit her head on the steering wheel and lose consciousness for about 30 seconds. The impact caused a large forehead laceration and swelling. She went to a nearby emergency room, where doctors irrigated the laceration and closed it using over a dozen stitches.
Ms. E dotes on her multiple grandchildren, and they were initially scared by her injury and did not want to visit or play with her. When the laceration healed, it unfortunately left a visible scar on her forehead. The scar has made Ms. E self-conscious about her appearance and going out in public. When she goes out, she wonders whether people are looking at her scar. When she meets a new person, she wonders whether they will ask about her scar and whether she’ll have to explain what happened – again. Strangers have even approached her to ask what happened. She has been reluctant to have her picture taken for family photos or have pictures taken with her grandchildren.
Ms. E eventually decided to consult with a plastic surgeon about a treatment plan to reduce the appearance of the scar. The plastic surgeon recommended laser therapy treatments to try to improve its appearance as well as grafting to improve the depression surrounding the scar However, the surgeon advised her that while these treatments will help reduce the size and appearance of the scar, there is no way to completely remove it.
Securing a Fair Settlement by Stacking Uninsured Motorist Policies
The at-fault driver had $100,000 in insurance coverage, which they agreed to pay. Ms. E had multiple car insurance policies that included add-on uninsured motorist (UM) coverage. By stacking these policies, we were able to secure another $100,000, bringing the total settlement amount to $200,000.
We are so glad we could help Ms. E with her case, and we wish her the best in her ongoing recovery.