common spinal injuries from car accidents

Experiencing a car accident is a traumatic and sometimes life-altering event, especially when it involves spinal injuries.

The spine is a vital structure that supports our body and houses the spinal cord. Unfortunately, this area is particularly vulnerable during crashes.

If you were involved in a car accident in Georgia, being familiar with the common types of spinal injuries occurring in these situations can help guide you toward appropriate treatment.

Below is a rundown of common spinal injuries from car accidents, detailing each injury from most to least common.

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1. Herniated Disc

A herniated disc is among the most frequent spinal injuries from car accidents. This injury occurs when the soft gel-like center of a spinal disc pushes through the more rigid outer layer. This injury compresses nearby nerves, causing pain, numbness, or limb weakness. Often, this condition results from the jarring forces of a collision, which can rupture or bulge the discs in the spine.

2. Spinal Fractures

Spinal fractures can range from minor cracks to severe breaks. This injury is serious and commonly occurs when the force of the impact exceeds what the spine can endure. These fractures destabilize the spine and lead to significant pain, neurological deficits, or even paralysis. The severity of a spinal fracture often depends on the impact force and the specific location of the fracture.

3. Whiplash-Related Injuries

While whiplash itself primarily affects soft tissue, severe cases result in more profound spinal issues. The rapid back-and-forth motion of the neck during a collision strains or tears the ligaments and muscles around the cervical spine, leading to chronic pain and discomfort. This strain sometimes exacerbates existing disc problems or leads to spine misalignment.

4. Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury from a car accident is a severe condition where the spinal cord, a crucial bundle of nerves running through the vertebral column, gets damaged. This injury disrupts communication between the brain and body, potentially causing partial or complete loss of sensation or movement below the injury site. This type of injury is often the result of a high-impact collision and has profound, life-altering effects on a victim.

5. Compression Fractures

Compression fractures occur when immense pressure crushes the vertebrae during a crash. This type of fracture is prevalent in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine. These fractures cause significant back pain and lead to a hunched posture. The severity often depends on the degree of compression and the spine’s overall health.

6. Spinal Subluxations

Subluxations refer to partial dislocations or misalignments of the vertebrae. In the context of a car accident spine injury, abrupt movements can shift the vertebrae out of their proper alignment, leading to pain, nerve irritation, and reduced mobility. This condition might not be as visibly dramatic as a fracture, but it can still lead to chronic discomfort and issues if not properly treated.

7. Ligament Injuries

The ligaments in the spine help stabilize and support the vertebrae. These ligaments often stretch or tear in car accidents. Such injuries cause instability in the spine, resulting in pain and difficulty moving. Ligament injuries often accompany other types of spinal injuries, complicating diagnosis and treatment.

8. Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal that compresses the spinal cord or nerves. While this condition usually develops gradually over time, it can become aggravated by the impact of a car accident. The trauma accelerates the narrowing of the spinal canal, leading to symptoms like back pain, numbness, and weakness in the limbs.

9. Facet Joint Injuries

The facet joints are small joints between each pair of vertebrae that help guide and stabilize spinal movement. Injury to these joints from a car accident leads to significant discomfort, stiffness, and localized pain. Facet joint injuries might be overlooked initially but contribute to long-term issues if not addressed.

10. Spondylolisthesis

Spondylolisthesis occurs when one vertebra slips out of place relative to the one below it. Although less common, this condition results from the excessive force or trauma of a car accident.

The displacement leads to nerve compression, causing back pain and radiating pain into the legs. This injury often requires careful management to prevent further complications.

Understanding these common spinal injuries from car accidents provides crucial insights into your condition and potential recovery process. If you suffered a spine injury from a car accident, seeking medical attention and professional advice is vital for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Recognizing the signs and symptoms associated with these injuries can aid in getting the appropriate care and support for your recovery journey.

Contact Us 

At Blasingame, Burch, Garrard & Ashley, P.C., our attorneys have over 200 years of combined legal experience and have secured over $1 billion in financial recoveries for clients in the last ten years.

Our experienced attorneys are well-versed in personal injury matters and provide our clients with extensive resources, a high level of skill, and legal experience to help navigate the legal process.

We remain one of the largest law firms in the area. Contact us online or call (706) 354-4000 today to learn how our dedicated team of attorneys can help you.

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