Because of their large size and weight, semi-truck accidents can potentially cause catastrophic injuries.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck collision, you may be entitled to financial recovery from the party who harmed you.
Our seasoned Georgia truck accident attorneys at Blasingame, Burch, Garrard & Ashley, P.C. have experience representing clients who have been injured in a truck crash through no fault of their own. We fight to hold all negligent parties responsible.
For immediate assistance, please call (706) 354-4000 or fill out our online form today.
Read on to learn more about common truck accident injuries.
1. Amputation
Traumatic amputation injuries are defined as the loss of a body part because of an accident or other personal injury. Amputations can be complete or incomplete. Learn more about our amputation injury legal services.
Common amputations caused by a truck wreck include the following body parts:
- Arm
- Hand
- Finger
- Leg
- Foot
- Toe
A surgical amputation may also be necessary if a severe infection occurs in an injured body part. Sometimes the blood supply is lost to a limb and the tissue and cell damage is so severe that amputating the affected limb is the only way to save the victim’s life. An amputation can also occur if the truck crash partially severs a body part and it cannot be salvaged.
2. Bone Fractures
Broken bones are common truck accident injuries. Bones can break from the force of the collision, from being struck by an object, or from being crushed in an accident.
Broken bones usually heal with a brace or sling but sometimes require extensive surgery. Recovery depends on how the bone broke and its location. If severe, the fractured bone may never fully heal.
3. Burns
Burns are tissue damage caused by excessive heat, fire, or certain chemicals. A truck collision can cause burns if fire is involved or there is a chemical spill. Symptoms of burns depend on the degree of the burn.
There are three degrees of burns:
- First-degree. These burns are mild and only affect the top layer of the skin. They can be painful.
- Second-degree. These burns affect both the top and lower layers of skin. The burns can be painful and may turn red, swell, or blister.
- Third-degree. These burns affect all layers of skin, including the fat. The nerve endings are destroyed, and the affected skin’s color may be black, red, or white.
Burns can be life-threatening if they are severe and may leave you with lasting tissue damage. Click here to learn more about burns.
4. Internal Bleeding
Internal bleeding refers to an accumulation of blood inside your body, such as in the abdomen or brain. You can sustain internal bleeding in a truck collision from blunt force trauma or a sudden jolt.
Symptoms of internal bleeding can vary depending on the location of the bleed and can include the following:
- Abdominal pain
- Dizziness
- Weakness
- Numbness
- Headache
- Vision changes
- Changes in alertness
- Fainting
- Discolored skin
- Swelling
- Lethargy
- Shortness of breath
- Blood in urine
- Black or tarry stool
- Bruising
- Chest pain
- Nausea or vomiting
- Fast heart rate
- Low blood pressure
Internal bleeding can be dangerous as symptoms may not manifest until a significant amount of blood is lost.
5. Lacerations
A laceration is a cut on the skin. In a truck wreck, lacerations can be caused by sharp objects slashing the skin. Lacerations are usually easy to identify, as bleeding or open cuts are the main symptoms. Deep lacerations may affect nerves, tendons, and muscles, and require surgical treatment. Depending on the severity, lacerations can heal entirely or leave permanent scarring or nerve damage.
6. Traumatic Brain Injury
A hit to the head, a violent swing, or penetration of an object can cause a traumatic brain injury. Depending on the severity, a traumatic brain injury can be temporary or can cause permanent damage.
Symptoms of a traumatic brain injury may include:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Dizziness
- Loss of balance
- Headaches
- Confusion
- Anxiety
- Sleep disturbances
- Loss of consciousness
- Perception changes
- Aggressive behavior
- Hearing or vision impairments
- Difficulty communicating
- Depression
- Short-term memory loss
- Coma
Symptoms of a traumatic brain injury may not manifest immediately after a truck crash. If you have been involved in a truck crash and hit your head, you should see the paramedics, emergency room doctors, or your primary care doctor as soon as possible.
7. Spinal Cord Injury
The spinal cord runs from the base of the head and down the back. It is a collection of nerves communicating to the brain and the rest of the body by sending and receiving signals. The spinal cord is encased in and protected by the vertebral column.
An injury to the spinal cord can have devastating consequences. Since 2015, the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center reports that vehicular crashes have caused 18,000 spinal cord injuries each year in the U.S.
Spinal cord injury symptoms include the following:
- Pain
- Tingling
- Numbness
- Paralysis
- Weakness
- Urinary or fecal incontinence
- Heart rate complications
- Blood pressure complications
A spinal cord injury from a truck accident can leave you with life-long medical issues, impairing your ability to carry out daily tasks.
Speak to an Attorney About Your Truck Accident Injury
Blasingame, Burch, Garrard & Ashley, P.C., was founded 40 years ago. Our knowledgeable and compassionate Georgia truck crash attorneys have over 200 years of combined legal experience, and we have secured over $1 billion for our clients in the last decade.
Contact our office online, or call us at (706) 354-4000 for a free and confidential case evaluation.