May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. In recognition, our experienced Georgia motorcycle accident lawyers have compiled a list of motorcycle safety tips.
Motorcycles are a popular mode of transportation. But is riding a motorcycle dangerous? The answer is that it can be.
Motorcycles are more dangerous than cars or trucks because motorcycles leave the rider more exposed during a collision. So, knowing how to be safe on a motorcycle is essential.
For immediate assistance after an accident, please call (706) 354-4000 or send us an online message today. We offer free initial consultations.

What Are Some Tips for Motorcycle Safety?
According to Traffic Safety Marketing, part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcyclists make up 15% of all traffic fatalities. So, what should motorcyclists do to protect themselves while riding? Below are a few tips.
1. Make Sure Other Drivers Can See You
A motorcycle is much smaller than a car or truck on the road. If you wear dark clothes, you may blend in with the street and other vehicles. Instead, wear bright or neon clothing. It will help to catch the attention of other drivers.
It’s also important to use your headlights when it’s dark or if it starts raining.
2. Get Routine Motorcycle Inspections
Before hitting the roads, ensure your motorcycle is in good condition.
To remember what to inspect, the Georgia Department of Driver Services tells motorcyclists to follow the T-CLOCS acronym:
- T – tires and wheels
- C – controls
- L – lights
- O – oil
- C – chassis
Remember to get your motorcycle checked periodically throughout the year by a maintenance company or the service center at the dealership.

3. Wear Protective Gear
If you’re an avid motorcyclist, you probably know “ATGATT” means “all the gear, all the time.” Georgia law requires all motorcyclists to wear an approved helmet. Your brain is the most crucial organ in your body. Helmets protect your head from injury in the event of a motorcycle crash.
Georgia law also requires all motorcycles be equipped with a windshield. If not, motorcyclists must have an approved eye-protective device.
You should also consider wearing clothes that cover your skin to lessen the chance of skin injuries in a collision.
4. Watch the Weather
You can’t control the weather, but you can control whether you ride your motorcycle in bad weather conditions.

Poor weather conditions can increase the chance of traffic crashes. It can be hard to see in the rain and also more difficult for other drivers to see you. Strong winds can also make it harder to control and steer a motorcycle. If you see torrential rains or thunderstorms, try to drive another vehicle or take your trip another day.
5. Give Space to Other Vehicles
Don’t follow too closely behind other vehicles. If you’re too close, it may be hard for them to see you in their mirrors. And if they stop abruptly, you may be taken off guard and hit the rear of their vehicle.
6. Don’t Drink and Drive
You should never drink and drive or use drugs and get behind the wheel, no matter what vehicle you drive. Alcohol and other drugs impair your ability to make rational and informed decisions. It can also impair your balance, coordination, and comprehension skills. These impairments can cause you to make a wrong turn or fail to break when necessary.
7. Follow the Speed Limit
States and local municipalities set speed limits to protect drivers on the roadway. Speeding is a reckless act that can cause crashes. The Georgia Department of Driver Services reports that speeding was the cause of 18% of motorcycle operators’ fatalities in 2019. Motorcyclists should always follow the speed limit and take caution to slow down if the road seems dangerous.
8. Don’t Get Driver Fatigue
Driver fatigue occurs when you have been traveling for a long time or did not get adequate sleep the night before. Driver’s fatigue can impair your ability to make good judgment calls when riding your bike.
Know where rest stops are during your journeys. That way, if you feel sluggish and tired, you have a place to regenerate.
If you plan on traveling on your motorcycle, make sure you get a good night’s sleep.
Contact Our Georgia Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Today
Were you injured in a motorcycle collision because of someone else’s negligence? Contact the law office of Blasingame, Burch, Garrard & Ashley, P.C. We have helped crash victims in Georgia for over 40 years. Our seasoned attorneys have extensive resources and knowledge to pursue your case. Our mission is to hold negligent parties accountable for their actions and to help injured victims get the compensation they need to rebuild their lives.
Give us a call at (706) 354-4000 or fill out our online form for a free consultation.