Brandi was driving on State Route 24 in Milledgeville, GA. Another driver was attempting to turn left and pulled out in front of her, causing a multi-vehicle collision and seriously injuring Brandi. BBGA attorneys secured a $155,000 settlement for Brandi, which was the maximum amount of insurance available and more than double her medical bills. The case was in Putnam County, which is a conservative venue not known for significant verdicts and settlements.
Here’s what our client had to say:

Failure to Yield Causes 4-Vehicle Crash
Brandi was traveling in the right northbound lane of State Route 24 when the other driver attempted to make a left-hand turn onto State Route 24 from a parking lot on North Columbia Street. Because the other driver failed to yield to Brandi, it caused a violent crash involving four vehicles. The other driver struck the front passenger side of our client’s vehicle, causing her to cross all lanes of traffic and hit another vehicle nearly head-on, which in turn caused that vehicle to strike the left bumper of another vehicle that was stopped at a stop sign.
Brandi was transported by ambulance to the hospital with multiple injuries.

Broken Femur Requires Surgery and Rehab
Our client was rushed to the emergency room where it was determined she had a comminuted displaced fracture of her femur, Basically, her thigh bone had snapped into multiple fragments. Brandi also suffered injuries to her lumbar spine, back, arms, and head. She also had a laceration to her face that required stiches.
Her wounds were cleaned and closed, but doctors determined she needed a higher level of care and she was transported to a hospital in Macon. Brandi had surgery where they placed a metal rod in her femur and a pin in her right tibia. She was discharged from the hospital three days later and was told to begin physical therapy. She had to use a walker or crutches for several months to get around.
Insurance & Settlement
The at-fault driver had $100,000 in liability coverage with Georgia Farm Bureau. Brandi’s auto insurance policy had $30,000 in add-on underinsured motorist coverage with GEICO. Brandi’s mother also had an auto insurance policy with Cincinnati Insurance Company with $25,000 in add-on uninsured motorist coverage. Brandi was covered under the Cincinnati policy as a “resident relative,” allowing her to make a claim with her mother’s insurance policy.
BBGA was able to resolve Brandi’s case with all three insurance companies for their policy limits for a total settlement of $155,000. We’re pleased to have helped Brandi and her family.