Albert was driving his motorhome while towing a boat on I-75 in Houston County, Georgia. A commercial semi-truck struck him from behind, disconnecting the boat and trailer, and significantly injuring him. Albert hired BBGA truck crash attorneys, who investigated the crash, filed suit against the trucking company, and secured a $300,000 settlement for Albert before the case went to trial. The case was filed in Houston County, which is a conservative county without a history of significant verdicts and settlements.
Semi-Truck Following Too Closely Destroys Boat and Trailer, Damages Motorhome
Albert was traveling south on I-75 when his motorhome and boat trailer was struck by a semi-truck. When the truck hit the boat trailer, it caused the trailer to disconnect from the motorhome, flinging both the boat and trailer from the roadway, totaling both.

Prior Back Injury Poses Challenges in Case
One of the challenges in this case was that Albert had a significant history of back injuries and pain before the wreck. He injured his back over 20 years ago and required a series of back surgeries including a lumbar fusion surgery and decompression, which involved having metal rods placed in his back to stabilize it. After that surgery, Albert would occasionally have back pain that radiated into his legs and caused him trouble walking. Sometimes it would go away quickly, sometimes it would last for several weeks or months. However, his medical records proved that in the two years before the wreck he was generally healthy, pain-free and active and his doctors considered his back pain “resolved.”
Crash Causes Severe, Long-Lasting Injuries
Albert was severely injured as a result of the crash. He injured his spine when the semi-truck driver crashed into the back of the boat trailer and motorhome.
Following the crash, Albert had immediate pain radiating from his back and into his legs. Further testing revealed stenosis, which is a narrowing of the spaces within his spine. This can put pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine. Doctors also diagnosed him with spondylolisthesis at L2-3, which is a spinal condition that affects the lower vertebrae, causing one of the lower vertebrae to slip forward onto the bone directly beneath it. This is very painful, and doctors determined the injury was a result of the crash.
Albert underwent physical therapy, but when his pain continued despite the therapy, he underwent epidural injections to help manage his pain. When the injections also failed to manage his pain appropriately, he underwent an anterior lumbar interbody fusion surgery. This is a type of spinal fusion that utilizes an anterior approach, through the abdomen, to fuse the lumbar spine bones together.
The Settlement
BBGA was able to prove the trucking company was responsible for the wreck and the trucking company offered a $300,000 settlement before the case went to trial, which Albert decided to accept.
We are pleased to have helped Albert with his case. We wish him the best and hope he has a full, successful recovery from his injuries.