Mr. R was driving on Georgia Highway 10 when a work van rear-ended him. The accident hurt his neck and back, which unfortunately resulted in ongoing lower back pain. BBGA attorneys investigated the crash and filed a lawsuit against the at-fault company. They secured a $350,000 settlement before the case went to trial, which is more than seven times our client’s medical bills.
Work Van was Following too Closely
Mr. R was traveling east on Georgia 10 near its intersection with Old Loganville Road when a work van rear-ended him. The driver of the van was cited by police for following too closely. The impact with the client’s car was so severe that it totaled his car and injured his neck and back.

The Injuries
When the work van struck the client’s car, he hit his head on the headrest with such force that he suffered injuries to his neck, back, and spine. He had an MRI of his lower back that showed that one of the discs had a mild herniation. Following the wreck, he saw multiple doctors and specialists for chronic headaches, cervical tension, and low back pain. Treatment included physical therapy and various medical procedures.
With time and significant treatment, Mr. R’s back pain improved. He can now manage it with stretching, exercise, and over-the-counter medication. While his doctor testified that he would not need surgery, he did testify Mr. R would likely continue to need epidurals to manage his ongoing back pain.
Effects of the Injuries
The most significant part of Mr. R’s injuries was the effect they had on him, his family, and his quality of life. Activities such as playing basketball or soccer with his children caused his back pain to become worse. Helping with household chores like yard work, cooking, cleaning, and laundry also caused him to hurt.
Mr. R’s job requires him to spend a significant amount of time driving. Sitting in the car would also aggravate his back pain. He had to learn to manage his pain by using a lumbar support pillow and implementing frequent stops during his trips to stretch and rest his back. Mr. R was also active before his injury and enjoyed activities like golf, running, skiing, and going to the gym.
The Settlement
BBGA was able to resolve the case for $350,000, which was more than seven times the amount of Mr. R’s medical bills. We are pleased to have helped Mr. R with his case and we wish him the best in his continued recovery.