The first case in the Southern District of Illinois Multi-District Litigation (SDIL-MDL) against Chevron and Syngenta by individuals who sprayed the herbicide Paraquat and subsequently developed Parkinson’s disease will now be tried on July 24, 2023.
An additional 16 cases have been ordered for case-specific workup, including a case filed by BBGA and the Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger firm on behalf of James “Waylan” Hitchcock, Sr. of Tennille, GA.
Plaintiffs have filed approximately 2,000 cases in the SDIL-MDL. The product used from 1961 to the present by farmers was often labeled as Gramoxone, and defendants are alleged to have sold Paraquat for years with full knowledge of the disease link.
Initially, Judge Nancy J. Rosenstengel, in charge of the SDIL-MDL, ordered six cases to be worked up as bellwether cases for trials to start as early as November 2022, but a new scheduling order was entered on August 17, 2022.